Movie Recommender System

Arely A.

Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer
  • For one of my grad school classes, we had to build 2 recommender systems - one that suggested movies based on genre input and another based on multiple reviews put in by the user
  • Once we had our code ready for that, we had to build an app for it so the focus was more on the functionality rather than how it looked
  • It was our final project for the course so we were on a tight timeline of about 2-3 weeks. App is available here - best viewed on desktop since it’s not responsive.

Project Description

This movie recommender allows users to input their reviews on different movies and get ten recommendation back. Or they can simply just input their genre preferences and get back the top 10 movies (based on average rating).


R (for the frontend and backend), shiny apps (for deploying)


Software Engineer - project was done independently

User selects a genre from the dropdown
Once the genre is selected, the user can click on the button to get 10 movie recommendations
The user can rate movies and get recommendations that way
Once the user has rated the movies, they click the button and get their top 10 movie recommendations
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