Building a High-Performance Portfolio with Next.js 13 and Prism

Julian Valle Garcia

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer


I built a dynamic and visually appealing personal portfolio website using cutting-edge technologies: Next.js 13 with the new App router for structure and flexibility, Prisma ORM for data persistence, and a MySQL database hosted on PlanetScale for efficient queries. PlanetScale's edge functions further optimized query performance, delivering a lightning-fast user experience.

  • Performance: Achieve exceptional loading speeds and seamless interactions for optimal SEO and user experience.
  • Responsiveness: Ensure a flawless viewing experience across all devices and screen sizes.
  • Security: Safeguard user data and website integrity through server-side rendering and best practices.
  • Flexibility: Build a foundation that readily adapts to future additions and content updates.

  • 100 Lighthouse Performance Score: The Next.js 13 SSG infrastructure and PlanetScale's edge functions resulted in a perfect score in Google Lighthouse's performance audit, reflecting exceptional speed and user experience.
  • Seamless Device Compatibility: The portfolio adapts perfectly to desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Enhanced Security: Server-side rendering and adherence to security best practices guarantee data and website integrity.
  • Scalable and Updatable: The Next.js 13 framework and Prisma's data management capabilities provide a sturdy foundation for future expansion and updates.

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