
Harvey Pitt

AI Application Developer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer
Stable Diffusion

I brought my client's vision to life by creating CPUmade, a web application that allows users to design their own t-shirts using AI. This project required a deep understanding of several technologies including Framer, Bubble, Sendgrid, Zapier, as well as custom Python and cURL. I leveraged these tools to build a platform where users can generate unique t-shirt designs by simply typing out their desired elements​.The application integrates AI to offer a unique user experience, including the ability to customise t-shirt colors and sizes after the design is generated​​.

One of the key features I implemented was a community section, where users can share, browse, and use designs created by others, thereby fostering a sense of community and inspiration​​. In addition to these, I also incorporated an affiliate program as a part of the platform to incentivise users to share their creations​.The project has successfully scaled to thousands of users.

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