Hi, This is one of my Game development projects that i Build using Godot engine, Its a 2D turn based + Novel styled game. The is one of mt big projects where in i was involved in full development of game including UI and game mechanics.
One of the mechanics was party management, where player had access to more than one character in game. and more can be added as per the battle result.
Turned based
This game has the functionality to have turned based battle in game. in the battle player could use any item from inventory. or buy item from shop.
Novel style
By novel style i meant text based journey for player thorough out game. The player was involved in text based conversations with NPCs which would guide them to player's next quest
Party Management
Functionality of party management was also added in this project wherein player can choose the character to play with and extra character per added in lobby to switch later on.
This was a big project which took me more then 3 months to add all the functionality but it was a complete project which my client wanted me to build. the game had many functionalities and the images/assets were provided by client.
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Posted Dec 29, 2023
This is one of my Game development projects i build using Godot game engine this is 2D turn based game with party management system added.