After 6 months, we achieved a ROAS of 4.62 by increasing the me…

Adsventure Agency


Digital Marketer

Scaling ad campaigns is a process like any other. You need to understand the inputs and determine the expected results, then identify the necessary resources.

After that, all you have to do is start making changes in a methodical and measurable way. How do we know this? Because we have a well-proven process for this – the Venture Campaign System. It’s our proprietary methodology that provides a reliable data-driven approach and results in an 88% success rate in meeting or significantly exceeding the set goals of the performance campaigns we use it for.

Implemented solutions

The efforts we realized were based on a holistic view of the client’s E-Commerce shopping process adjusted to the client’s industry.
We developed our solutions based on accurate analysis of user data from advertising systems and through target group analysis resulting from conversations with the customer service department.
As a result, we implemented a very broad top of the funnel using a combination of video campaigns in Meta Ads and Google Ads systems.
The solution was supported by a multi-step remarketing explaining the purpose of buying the products, the problems they solve and the advantages of using them regularly (in the middle of the funnel). We closed the funnel with a dynamic product catalog and showing the products in the context of everyday use.
We based the development of such a solution on one of the longest variants of the Venture Campaign System, but it was necessary to achieve the final result.







budget increase
Po 6 miesiącach osiągnęliśmy ROAS na poziomie 4,62 zwiększając 3-krotnie budżet mediowy z kilku do kilkudziesięciu tysięcy złotych. To wynik jest więcej niż satysfakcjonujący, a co najważniejsze — pozwala na dalsze skalowanie budżetu przy marginalnych zmianach strategii.
After 6 months, we achieved a ROAS of 4.62 by increasing the media budget by a factor of 3. This result is more than satisfactory and, most importantly, allows us to further scale the budget with marginal changes in strategy.
The result has been achieved and can be further scaled thanks to the high level of cooperation and complementarity between different advertising systems at successive stages of the client’s buying process.
Developing and implementing a similar strategy is possible in almost any business – including yours.
This applies to stores, with a complex assortment, as well as companies selling 1 simple product or service.
However, you need to keep in mind that the expenses required to implement such activities can vary significantly depending on brand awareness, market behavior and the stage of development of the online store.
It’s a case-by-case issue, so we’d be happy to discuss your company’s options.
Sounds interesting?

Why are we so confident that we can help you?

We rely on actual data, not wishful thinking or guesswork.
We realize the full potential of your business and know how to scale it with effective solutions.
We can identify your needs and step up when the opportunity arises to realize them at an even better level.
Others click boxes in advertising systems, we deliver results.
We work with a wide range of companies and have regular contact with the market in many industries, we can determine what is achievable at any given stage and then prove it with results.
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Posted Mar 14, 2024

Skalowanie kampanii sprawia Ci problem? Dowiedz się jak utrzymaliśmy ROAS przy 3-krotnym wzroście budżetu mediowego. Przeczytaj case study naszego klienta.






Digital Marketer

Adsventure Agency

Sales-Driven eCommerce Marketer 🌟

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