🐕🦺 The Subjects
Mugen and Kai are my daughter's beloved dogs. Mugen, an 11-year old dachsund mix, who we call a "stubborn old lady" but is the sweetest girl anyone could have as a pet. Kai, a 7-year old German Shepherd and Australian Shepherd mix, who is more on the "derpy" side and is more of the follower and baby to Mugen.
🎨 Supplies
Reference Images
Loves of time, patience, and passion
👀 The Models
🖼️ The Paintings
💕 Final Words
Years after Mugen's painting, she passed away in July of 2011 due to a few complications. However, she lived an amazing life filled with love, and her family who adored Mugen surrounded her. She was truly one of a kind and appreciated every single day that the sun rose up on. Her memory will always be cherished, and she will never be forgotten! On the other hand, Kai is now an "only child" and my only grandpup for now. It took some time for her to adjust to being the only one, but she is now embracing her independence and learning to be more of an alpha dog!