Systems for creation: mutations, morphings, hybrids, contagionsAssessment Details You will develop an A4 design journal (horizontal format) and three 20 x 80 cm formats. Based on the content created for Assignment 1, students will detect and transform key elements in their system. We will then experiment with complex layered mapping, first developing an underlying natural system, then an overlying technical system, and finally a contagious "emotion".
The resulting complex system will generate new forms, contexts, and relations in three graphic works: 1 - a morphing sequence2 - a hybrid form3 - a novel emotional relationWe will study and test each of these terms in greater detail in class, with reference to contemporary design approaches. Your thinking, mapping, and generative (creative) processes will be documented in an A4 Design Journal submitted online.
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This new design opportunity has emerged from a context: the mapping of an intersection between ecoregional, human, and technical systems.