In pursuing the mission of showcasing the stories of the under appreciated beings on their campus, Montclair State University's student ran organization, The Merge Creative Group created a film titled For The Gworls, in honor of The Gworls.
"For The Gworls" is a story that follows four college femmes as they navigate their growing pains and find security and strength through their feminine support systems. The film touches on matters of mental health, self worth, and the value of friendship!
The film is a cinematic documentation of queer and femme representation in the world we live in today with hopes of inspiring the femmes of tomorrow.
The Maverick: Odessa Whitlock
The Maximalist: A’lysia Robinson
Stardoll: Jade Denton
The Butch Queen: Na’Dree Stewart
The Truth: Elijah Jackson-Swoope
Executive Producer Tommiana
Production Organization The Merge Creative Group
Funding SGA of Montclair State University
Producer Victoria J. Smith
Director of Photography George “GZY” Ezeala
Editors George “GZY” Ezeala
Art Direction Tommiana
Key Set Designer Tommiana
Set Designers Daniel Fuwape
Victoria J. Smith
The Merge Creative Group Executive Board
Academic Advisor Sherita Cuffee
Creative Director Tommiana
Assistant Creative Director Daniel Fuwape
Finance Chair Na’Dree Stewart
Marketing & Public Relations Chair Amaya Davidson
Graphic Designers India Johnson
Tommy “MUTHA” Robert
Executive Secretary Jade Denton