
Abdullah Shafiq

Web Designer
Web Developer

🌟 Noon Website Clone

📚 Description

This project is a frontend clone of the Noon website, a popular e-commerce platform. It aims to replicate the user interface and design of the original Noon website to showcase your web development skills.

🚀 Features

Faithful reproduction of the Noon website's frontend.
Responsive design, ensuring that the clone looks great on various screen sizes and devices.
(Add any additional features or functionalities you've implemented)

💻 Technologies Used

CSS3 (you can specify any pre-processors like SASS/SCSS)
JavaScript (if applicable)

🌐 Getting Started

To view the cloned Noon website, you can either:
Clone this repository to your local machine and open the index.html file in your preferred web browser.
Access the project online through GitHub Pages.

📝 Usage

(Provide any additional information about how to use your project, especially if you've added interactivity or unique features.)

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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