30 Feng Shui Rules to Bring Passion in Your Bedroom
This is the ultimate bedroom feng shui guide with 30 life-changing rules explaining what to do and what not to. You would be able to create a passionate bedroom with the help of this guide.
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese tradition that has been used for over 3,000 years. Feng shui is all about creating and conserving balance and harmony in your environment by using natural elements.
One of the main areas that Feng shui is used is in the home, specifically in the bedroom. The bedroom is so important in Feng shui because it's where we go to recharge and rejuvenate our bodies and minds. It's also where we relax and sleep, so it's essential to have good Feng shui energy in this room.
While it may be thousands of years old, in the modern world, feng shui is becoming immensely popular - but not everyone knows how to bring feng shui. That's why we have prepared this guide to help you out with bedroom layout feng shui strategies.
What's the Science Behind Feng Shui?
The Chinese strategy of feng shui is based on the five natural elements -
Wood: promotes growth and inventiveness
Fire: stimulates supervision and courage
Earth: increases power and resilience
Metal: boosts attention and ordains
Water: elevates sentiment and motivation
When these elements are in balance, they create good qi (energy that runs through our body) or life force energy. This good qi brings health, wealth, and happiness into your home and life.
To achieve this balance, you need to use a bagua map. A bagua map is a grid diagram with nine sections corresponding to different areas of your life, such as family, wealth, love, and romance. You can use this map to help you determine which areas of your bedroom need improvement.
Or you can use the rules mentioned below to bring prosperity and passion to your bedroom.
Feng Shui Rules for Bedrooms
Now that we know what Feng Shui is and its purpose in the bedroom, let's look at 30 Feng Shui tips for bedrooms.
1. The placement of the bed
The bed is one of the crucial pieces of furniture in the bedroom. It should be placed in an area where you will feel the most comfortable. According to Feng Shui, the bed should never be placed in a corner, as this will cut off the energy flow from the room. It's also said to be bad luck to have the head of your bed facing a door.
The bed should be placed in an area where you can see the door when lying in bed as it gives a sense of a secure environment. Plus, your feet shouldn't point towards the door as it stops the flow of qi. Another thing is to never place the bed under a window as it is not considered to provide safe vibes while asleep.
2. Window location
Windows are another vital aspect of Feng Shui and should be located in areas that allow natural light and fresh air to enter the room. The energy from the windows is known to be revitalizing and can help to improve sleep quality. The natural soft light from windows influences serotonin levels in the morning.
Also, windows that can be opened and don’t remain closed all day are good, according to feng shui.
3. The bedspread
When choosing bedding, it's essential to use colors and patterns that promote relaxation and peace. Avoid using busy patterns or bright colors as these can be stimulating and cause anxiety. It's best to stick with some light colors and soft fabrics such as cotton or silk.
Also, try to get some good quality bedding as they will provide you with best-in-class comfort.
4. Elevated bed
If you're exploring an effective way to improve your sleep quality, consider elevating your bed. This is a widespread feng shui practice as it allows for enhanced circulation and helps to reduce the risk of snoring. Plus, the circulation of qi beneath the bed is also ensured.
You can elevate your bed by using bed risers or placing wood blocks underneath the legs. Also, be sure that the bed isn't excessively high so you can actually get to it!
5. The bedside table
Buy two good-quality nightstands for your bedroom that matches your bed and place them on the sides of the bed. This will create a balanced look in the room. Place positive objects on your nightstands, such as a crystal or fresh flowers.
6. Keep tables clutter-free
When placing items on your bedside table, following some basic feng shui principles is essential. The table should be clutter-free and only include essential items. Keep in mind that nightstands should never be taller than that of your mattress.
It's also said to be bad luck to place mirrors on the bedside table as they reflect the negative energy back into the room.
7. Symmetry
According to feng shui, symmetry is key. When creating a harmonious bedroom, it's essential to create a sense of balance in the room to get a relationship qi. This can be done by using matching bedside tables, lamps, and other accessories. You can also achieve symmetry by hanging artwork on the wall.
8. The color scheme
When choosing a color scheme for your bedroom, it's important to use colors that promote relaxation and tranquillity. Or you can use vibrant colors to invite passion, romance, and success to the bedroom.
A good thumb rule is to pick reds, oranges, blues, greens, and pinks. These shades have a calming effect on the mind and body.
9. Avoid placing the bed under a ceiling beam or fan
There are a few things in the bedroom you want to avoid having directly over your bed. One of these is a ceiling beam, as it can create a feeling of oppression. Another thing to avoid is having a fan blowing directly on you while you sleep. This can disrupt your sleep cycle and cut the qi energy in the bedroom.
10. Storage
One of the most important aspects of feng shui is creating storage in the bedroom. This will help to keep the area organized and free from clutter. The repository can be made by using cabinets, shelves, or baskets. Be sure to keep only essential items in the bedroom so that it remains tidy and calm.
11. Plants
A great way to bring life into the home is by including plants. But, what most people forget is it isn't a great idea to place plants in the bedroom. This is because they can absorb the room's energy and cause problems with sleep.
While sleeping, most of us need downward energy to have a calm and relieving sleep. At the same time, the plants have active energy, which blocks the qi. However, if you really want plants in your bedroom, try to place them in a corner or near a window.
12. Avoid placing mirrors
As mentioned before, it's considered bad luck to place mirrors on the bedside table. But that's not the only place you should avoid them. Mirrors should also never be placed on the bedroom walls as they can reflect the energy back into the room.
This can create a feeling of anxiety and insomnia. Especially the big mirrors (floor to ceiling mirrors) make the subconscious mind think that the bedroom is for activities and not for sleeping.
13. Keep water element away
Water is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in feng shui. It’s good in other parts of the house, but it's best to keep it away in the bedroom. This is because water can disrupt the flow of energy in the room and cause arguments. If you have a water feature in your bedroom, try to keep it turned off.
14. Shape of furniture
When it comes to the shape of your furniture, try to choose round-shaped furniture as they don’t cut the qi of the room. Moreover, the bed should be in a rectangular or square shape. This will help to create stability in the room.
15. The headboard
Choose a headboard that is firmly attached to the bed frame. Rectangular, square, heart-shaped, and curved are the best forms. Avoid any headboards with perforations or bars if possible. The holes may imply that objects fall through or that you feel “imprisoned” or "behind bars."
Fabric materials work well in most cases, but a solid parawood or soft upholstery headboard is ideal.
16. Lighting
When it comes to bedroom lighting, it's important to use lamps and overhead lights that provide a soft and relaxing glow. You should also avoid using bright overhead lights as they can be disruptive to sleep. Try to use lamps with shades that will diffuse the light.
17. Use scented candles
Scented candles are known to represent the fire element and are an excellent way to add some personality to the bedroom. They also help to create a relaxing atmosphere in the room. But, it's essential to choose the right scent. Jasmine and lavender are two scents known to promote relaxation and tranquillity.
18. No electronics
The bedroom should be a place where you can relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. This is why it's best to keep electronics out of the bedroom. Also, all these electronic devices emit electric and magnetic fields, which disturb sleep.
This includes televisions, laptops, and smartphones. If you find that you can't resist having them in the bedroom, try to keep them turned off during sleep hours.
19. Get rid of clutter
One of the most important aspects of feng shui is keeping the area free from clutter. When there is too much “stuff” in the room, it can create a feeling of chaos and confusion. This will harm your sleep and overall well-being.
Try to go through your belongings every 6 months and get rid of anything you don't need. Also, try not to keep any additional furniture in the room that you don’t need. It will make the area look spacious.
20. No sharp objects nearby
It's essential to keep any sharp objects away from the bed as they can create negative energy. This includes knives, scissors, and blades. If you have a pointy edge desk in the bedroom, try that the corner doesn't point towards the bed. If it points towards the bed, it will create a poison arrow that obstructs good qi.
21. Keep bedroom and workroom separate
While it's great to have a designated workroom in the house, it's not a great idea to make the bedroom into one. This is because when you're trying to relax in the bedroom, you don't want to be surrounded by paperwork and office supplies. If you can't help but work in the bedroom, keep the desk out of sight by using screen panels.
22. Don't place footboards/benches in front of the bed
When you're getting into and out of bed, you don't want anything in the way. This is why it's important to avoid placing footboards or benches in front of the bed. They can create a feeling of blockage and restrict the flow of progress.
23. Keep drawers and doors closed
To create a feng shui bedroom, it's essential to eliminate distractions. When you're sleeping or relaxing before bed, making sure drawers and wardrobe doors are closed will assist you in avoiding being distracted.
24. Never include a bookshelf in the bedroom
Although books might be difficult for bookworms and literature fans to put down, they are just another form of distraction when trying to sleep. They're also great pals for collecting dust and disrupting your bedroom's equilibrium. Try keeping them in a study or spare room instead of your bed, with only one you're reading at the time within reach.
25. Avoid storing items beneath the bed
It's a tempting idea to store items under the bed, particularly if you're in desperate need of storage. However, avoid placing objects under the bed as much as possible. Storage beneath the bed, from a feng shui perspective, might obstruct your sleeping pattern since the flow of energy cannot move freely around your bed's energy fields.
26. Hang pictures or artwork opposite the bed
Pictures or art work hung opposite the bed promotes positive qi and enhances relationships. This is a great spot to hang a family portrait or any picture of personal significance to you.
It is the last thing you see before going to sleep and the first thing you notice when waking up. Therefore, try choosing artwork wisely.
27. Remove any big furniture
Replace tall wardrobes and pieces of furniture that make you feel trapped when you lay in bed. Too much furniture can also block the natural flow of energy in the room. It's important to have an open and spacious feeling when relaxing in the bedroom.
28. The bed shouldn't be near the washroom wall
According to feng shui's rules, having a bed that faces the toilet door can attract bad luck and result in financial loss and muscular and bone damage. The placement may cause confusion, headaches, and mental scatter if you have a bed on one side of the wall and a toilet bowl directly on the other. This happens due to the unpleasant smell, moisture, and germs present in the toilet.
29. No air conditioner above the bed
Air conditioning may be beneficial, but it isn't ideal if it is close to your bed. The chilly air will flow straight towards your body and open the pores of your skin. This can cause stiffness, headaches, and common cold.
30. Say no to gym equipment inside the bedroom
Fitness gear is said to have active energy at all times. While this may be useful in other parts of your house, it isn't very beneficial in your bedroom. The bedroom should be more yin (slow or relaxed energy) to help you relax and sleep. So exercise equipment should be kept somewhere else in your home.
What's The Purpose of Feng Shui In Interior Design?
Feng shui originally had roots in Taoism and Buddhism. However, it can be found in every culture throughout history. The goal of feng shui is to achieve inner harmony. The Chinese characters for "feng shui" translate as "wind" and "water." It signifies that wind and water are essential aspects of existence, as is feng shui!
When it comes to purpose, feng shui brings harmonious energy known as qi (chi) into the house. This energy is beneficial in all aspects of life, such as wealth, health, relationships, and more. Ancient beliefs say that the qi can be drawn from all living and nonliving things.
Therefore, the most important aspect of qi flow is placement. As a result, how you arrange your things in your room significantly influences the circulation of chi. If you put your bed, for example, in an area where the qi flow has stopped, you will experience lousy energy and be more susceptible to disease or bad luck. This is why many individuals choose to feng shui in their homes before moving in.
If you are planning to build a new home or are trying to renovate your bedroom's interiors, try implementing some feng shui. You may not believe in the spiritual or superstitious aspects of it, but the design principles of feng shui will still help to create a harmonious and relaxing bedroom space for you to enjoy.
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Posted Apr 24, 2023
Wrote a home & decor blog containing useful tips regarding Feng Shui and what to do to make your home Feng Shui friendly.