VFX edit for a Fashion Influencer

Dhruv Vyas

I was hired by a fashion influencer to edit vfx for a sponsored video to be posted on all vertical social media platforms.
For the edit, the brief was to make an edit with sci-fi elements and cloth changing thorough mirror effect which I achieved using After Effects. The 7-second video was completed within 5 hours as all the effects were made in-house.
This video was used to promote the clothing brand used in the video.
Here's the video:
First, I rotoscoped the client and then using the pictures provided made the swiping effect. I then placed sci-fi elements and animated them using after effects and achieved the final look that you see above.
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Posted Dec 19, 2024

Kate James hired me to turn her raw footage into an engaging edit with complex Sci-fi VFX. I used after effects to create the entire look, feel and animations.

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