It should be noted that the use of A.I. should not always be considered negative, as it can help artists and creators to produce their work faster. It can be a great starting point for certain types of artistic work, requiring only the odd touch up here and there afterwards. However, while it may be currently used as just an aid or a means of speeding up aspects of their workflow in order to serve their clients in a faster and more efficient manner, there is always a risk that the client could end up going straight to A.I. in order to get their needs met. As such, the risk of so many writers being out of work because directors and producers could just turn to A.I. to create the scripts they want for free is still out there. A.I. cannot truly come up with original content; it can only create content based on that which already exists, resulting in works that are basically 100% deri- vative. Considering that many newer films out there have gotten criticism for having similar storylines, plot elements, and ideas to other films and lacking much originality (one case being Pixar's Elemental being derivative of Disney’s Zootopia), it may not be surprising if a decent A.I. could produce a script that was just as good, if not better than many of the human-written scripts being produced by Hollywood nowadays. No matter how sophisticated it is, artificial intelligence cannot truly overcome the true power of human innovation and imagination, but its cheap and easy access could definitely threaten the creative talents of writers everywhere. It is not implausible to believe that, somewhere in the future, a director could create an entire movie with A.I. alone, with neither any cast nor production crew.