Fanciable responsive Web application for E-commerce Store

Chamod Fernando


Web Designer

SEO Specialist

Web Developer


Visual Studio Code

My client wants to expand his business on internet He told me to create a web application for selling his products, Then I created a most fancible web application for him

This is the Home page of web application. I created it fully responsively and more elegant.
Home page
Home page
This is the Single Product view. Also this page was a more attractive design for my client.
Single product view
Single product view
My client request me for a admin side programming so I did it perfectly according to requirements.
Admin side
Admin side
Also this web application has more pages like: Cart , Wish list , Advanced search , Purchased history , Additionally is has a chat room
Other pages
Other pages

This is only one example of tons. You can understand my talent and I think we can work together.

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Posted Dec 28, 2023

Created a modern and visually appealing website design for an e-commerce store, optimizing it for desktop and mobile devices.






Web Designer

SEO Specialist

Web Developer


Visual Studio Code

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