TSP- Fun Learning

Faheem Ahmad

Mobile Designer
Backend Engineer
Mobile Engineer
React Native

Project Title: TSP Fun - Educational Games and Quiz App for Kids 🎮📚


TSP Fun is a vibrant mobile application created to make learning enjoyable for children. With a diverse range of interactive games and quizzes, it provides an immersive educational experience tailored to young minds. Available exclusively on Android, the app offers a fun-filled journey through various subjects, fostering curiosity and intellectual growth in children. 📱🎉

Project Duration : 1.5 months

Key Features:

1. Interactive Games: Engaging games like IQ challenges and memory tests enhance cognitive skills and critical thinking abilities. 🧠🎮

2. Subject-wise Quizzes: Maths, computer science, and English quizzes reinforce learning in specific areas, promoting a well-rounded education. 📝🎲

3. Technology Stack:

- Frontend: React Native, Expo

- Backend: Express, Node.js

- Database: MongoDB

- Additional Tools: Redux, Axios

4. Project Duration: Completed within a month, the development process was efficient and focused, ensuring timely delivery of the final product. ⏳

5. Sole Developer: I spearheaded the development process, encompassing frontend and backend implementation, ensuring a seamless user experience. 👨‍💻💼

6. UI/UX Design: Crafted captivating interfaces and intuitive designs to make learning enjoyable and accessible to young users. 🎨🖥️

7. Android Exclusive: Tailored specifically for Android devices, ensuring optimal performance and accessibility for all users. 📱


TSP Fun - Educational Games and Quiz App for Kids reflects my dedication to creating innovative and engaging educational solutions for children. By blending entertainment with learning, the app aims to inspire curiosity and lifelong love for knowledge in young learners. 🌟📱

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