RadioRise is a MEAN stack web app formerly hosted on Microsoft Azure.
MongoDB Express Angular Node
A lovely personal project of mine, fully functional at the time, is now defunct due to framework deprecation!
RadioRise is the ULTIMATE music democracy! The best way to discover and enjoy new music!
Upload your music and tag them!
Vote for songs! The more upvotes you receive the more airtime you are granted!
The names of the artists are anonymized until rated. This ensures a fair meritocracy!
Every vote compensates the user by giving them additional features such as saving their favorites!
Go to the link below to see RadioRise in action!
Anonymous Voting
All songs are anonymized before voting to ensure no bias in terms of the artist's name or brand. I wanted to ensure a fair system for all musicians to have a shot at making it to the top.
After the Song has been voted upon, it triggers several events:
The Username of the song creator appears allowing the user to go to their profile page on click
The Definition and Title of the song appears
The favorite button appears allowing the user to catalog the song into their favorites
The user vote ratio appears
The song on the voting list turns green or red depending on up or downvote.
When a song is voted on the history queue inserts a new song at the top of the queue and remembers the vote history, coloring it red or green.
A User may access all of his favorite songs, or Upvoted songs from these buttons. They play in sequential order.
##Station Tags
Station Tags are one of RadioRise's premier features! Each Station tag has its own mini competition for the cream to rise to the top. Every song tagged with a Station Tag will be a part of a lottery system that influences the amount of airtime.
When a station tag is selected, the genre of music the User is enjoying will curate a weighted randomized feed of music to discover and upvote.
Search Bar
Songs and User profiles were separated by a visible icon allowing ease of use. Information at your fingertips!
The glamour of RadioRise is reducing the total number of clicks to access any aspect of the site for the most seamless experience possible. Any click from search moves the user directly to the content being sought.