MadinaAPPS multinent web app

Gopika Sodani


Frontend Engineer




Got a long-term opportunity to work on MadinaAPPS, it is a multi-tenant web application which provides IT Solutions on various platforms. Features that I have created from scratch in this application are as follows:
• Payments platform: a platform to accept donations/payments from various resources with Stripe, & Paypal Integrations
• Custom widgets that can be plugged in and played on various websites: Like a contact us form as a standalone app that can be integrated into any website.
• Member Portal: A portal for the end user to log in and manage their involvement in various activities, manage their payment history, make new payments/donations etc.
• Control panel web app: This web app is a multi-tenant app on which Masjid can signup and have their own version of the control panel, which enabled them to perform the following operations:
• Creating custom settings which will be then used in creating websites, flyers, notifications, and widgets on multiple platforms
• Configure payment settings.
• Manage and create events.
• Manage Volunteers signing up for various events, and provided an interface to manage their availability timings.
• Gallery: manage image/video/audio/document uploads from one place, it's more like a windows folder structure with advanced options. This Gallery can also be used as an image picker to use uploaded images in various places.
• Roles and Permissions: Created a very strong and capable mechanism for handling various roles and permissions for this multi-tenant app.
• Manage slideshows that are going to be displayed on various Masjid Displays.
• Manage Dua timings and feed in the display panels with the monthly timings and so on.
The main complexity in this project was its multi-tenant nature and to maintain the customisation as per different clients. To resolve this I implemented a feature based approach, I was not in favour of applying client based checks on features, so for that I implemented feature based checks, this enabled the company to market multiple features and gain more clients.
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Posted Sep 22, 2023

Got a long-term opportunity to work on MadinaAPPS, it is a multi-tenant web application which provides IT Solutions on various platforms






Frontend Engineer




Gopika Sodani

Passionate front-end developer, 10+ yrs exp

CRM web & mobile application
CRM web & mobile application
App Marketplace Admin Panel
App Marketplace Admin Panel