M​yths & Misconceptions of Solo Travel

Ali Sullivan

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Debunking 6 of the biggest myths and misconceptions about traveling solo.

O​riginal work published on www.adventuresbymatt.com

There are so many people who warn others about the ‘dangers’ of traveling solo when the truth is, unless you have traveled solo before, you have no idea what you're talking about. Solo traveling is one of the most liberating and life-changing adventures you can take for yourself. Learning to enjoy your own company and be happy alone can lead to overall well-being and a greater sense of life itself. And there is no better way to do that than by traveling solo.
If you are planning to set off on a solo adventure, be prepared to hear opinions such as, “it’s too dangerous and you are going to be lonely,” or the famous “you must not have any friends or you would have others to travel with you.” Trust us, we’ve heard it all. However, most of these views and opinions are misconceptions.
There are so many strange myths and views on solo traveling and we would hate for someone to miss out on the opportunity of taking a solo trip due to fears and assumptions of others. After years of traveling solo, we are here to debunk the biggest myths and misconceptions about solo travel.

Solo Traveling is Dangerous

The biggest myth and misconception of all time when it comes to solo traveling are that it’s dangerous. If you are smart and responsible, solo traveling is no more dangerous than it is when traveling as a group. Pay attention to your surroundings, be smart while on the road, trust your gut, respect the rules, and you will be just fine. Additionally, no one has to know that you are traveling alone. The only way for them to find out is if you tell them. Walk with confidence, pretend you know exactly what you're doing, and you will quickly learn the world is a much more peaceful place than what's portrayed to society.

You Will be Lonely

Traveling solo isn’t as lonely as one might think. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Being lonely and being alone are two separate things. While you are technically alone while solo traveling, you will rarely feel lonely. It's so much easier to meet other travelers and befriend locals when traveling solo rather than as a group. It forces you to talk to people because you have only yourself to rely on while on the road. While that’s not to say there won’t be times that the loneliness and homesickness set in, that’s nothing a quick facetime call or walk down the main street can’t fix.

Traveling Solo Means you Have no Friends

Solo travelers are often viewed as loners, people with few friends or family, or single; Wrong. Solo travelers come in all shapes and sizes, with big and small families, single and married. It's not that solo traveler doesn’t have people to travel with, it’s that they weren't going to wait around for someone to say yes. If you are constantly waiting for schedules to coincide and the responsibilities of others to disappear, you're going to be waiting forever. Solo travelers are determined enough in their wanderlust and their desire for adventure to travel on their own time, with or without the security of anyone else.
Traveling solo can actually be done a whole lot cheaper than traveling as a group. While you are missing out on that extra person to split costs with, it's likely your costs will be more affordable alone. Hostel dorm rooms are super affordable, transportation is priced per person, and you are not spending money based on other people's wants and needs. There's no need to compromise when it comes to activities, as you do what is most convenient and affordable to your own budget.

You Must Be Brave and Unafraid

You've probably heard that solo travelers are much braver and aren't afraid of anything. That is a complete lie. Solo traveling is intimidating especially for first-timers. It's not that solo travelers are brave, it's that they are comfortable doing things outside of their comfort zones, whether it's intimidating or not. If you are scared, learn to do it scared. Taking that first step is always the hardest, however, over time your confidence levels will grow, your ears will subside, and you will believe that you are brave; even if in reality, you're not.

It’s a Waste of Time

Solo travelers are often told that exploring the world is a waste of time. Once you reach a certain age, it's time to settle down, get a “real” job, and take on more responsibilities, if not, then you are wasting your life away and are afraid of growing up. Solo traveling can actually teach you a lot more about yourself and the world than any corporate office job or college university ever could. You are able to grow and evolve as a person in more ways than you can imagine. There's not one direct way to live your life, as long as you are happy and healthy, it doesn't matter what others think. If it’s important to you, do it. Never let anyone tell you solo traveling is a waste of time, as those who are saying it have likely never stepped foot out of their hometown.
We hope you have enjoyed this debunking read of myths and misconceptions about solo travel.
If the thoughts and opinions of others are what's holding you back from taking that solo trip of your dreams, we hope by now you've changed your mind. While there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about solo traveling, the truth is, most of them are fears and jealous thoughts of others who are too afraid to do it themselves.
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