
Abdul Moiz Memon

Project Manager
Blockchain Developer
Fullstack Engineer
Investor Dashboard
Investor Dashboard
The Cobe Token Vesting Platform was developed as a secure, role-based system designed to facilitate token vesting and distribution for multiple types of users. The platform enables administrators to mint and burn tokens, create vesting schedules, and manage approvals to ensure streamlined and secure operations. Based on the client-provided Software Requirements Specification (SRS), Cobe’s multi-tiered user roles include Superadmin, Admin, Approver, Auditor, and Investor, each with distinct access levels and permissions for seamless management of vesting activities.
As the Lead Developer and Project Manager, I was responsible for implementing smart contracts, coordinating with a frontend developer, and ensuring that the project aligned with the client’s specifications. The platform utilized Solidity and Hardhat for smart contract deployment and testing, Firebase for off-chain data storage, and Next.js (React) for the frontend interface. Web3.js was used to handle wallet and smart contract integrations, providing a seamless user experience.

Key Features

Role-Based Permissions: The platform's role-based system ensured secure management, with Superadmins, Admins, Approvers, Auditors, and Investors each having distinct permissions for streamlined token vesting and claims.
Minting and Vesting Management: Developed secure flows for minting and burning tokens, creating vesting schedules for investors, and managing these actions through a structured approval process.
Investor Dashboard: Created an investor interface where users can easily connect their wallet, monitor their vesting schedule, and claim tokens once they are unlocked.

Here are some visuals from the Cobe Vesting Platform


Implementing a secure, multi-layer approval process for token minting and vesting required a structured flow to ensure compliance and prevent unauthorized actions. We achieved this by integrating strict role-based permissions and multi-signature requirements.


The project code and comprehensive guide were delivered to the client on time, and the client was fully satisfied with the development process. Although the project was not launched online, the code was completed as specified, and the platform was ready for either internal deployment or a branded release according to the client’s future plans.
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