Valerie Battaglia
SEO Case Study 01
There’s a reason why SEO is considered a long-term strategy. Not only can it take some time to notice an increase in traffic, but it is imperative to continue to “feed the beast,” if you will.
Search engine optimization isn’t a one-off solution. Rather, you need to put in elbow grease to maintain your efforts. You can put a lot of energy in on the front end while creating your website, but if you don’t have an expert guiding your content creation as it scales, all of that hard work in the beginning might as well have been for nothing.
Throughout this article, we’re going to showcase metrics from two different clients of ours to drive this point home.
SEO Case Study #1: The “Fizzle Out”
SEO Case Study #1: The “Fizzle Out.” Google Analytics screenshot demonstrating user activity over the last 90 days
In the Google Analytics
However, without the active maintenance and upkeep of their SEO, their metrics quickly started to suffer.
Why? Well, without any new content
SEO Case Study #2: The Steady Climb of a New Client
SEO Case Study #2: The Steady Climb of a New Client. Google Analytics screenshot demonstrating user activity over the last 14 days
By contrast, this screenshot comes from a newer client who just began their SEO journey over the last two weeks. As you can see, it’s a lot tougher to go “viral” or land on the first page overnight.
At first, your metrics will look like a mountain range with large peaks, small peaks, and a few divots. That is completely normal. So long as your efforts remain consistent, your website traffic and search rankings will continue to grow in a more linear manner.
How to Maintain Your SEO Strategy
SEO is a lot more than just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks to the first page of search results. As we’ve discussed before, there are many other important factors that come into play, like EEAT website design
Keep your website up to date: Broken buttons, links, and pages are easy to miss yet have a substantially negative impact on your visitors and your website credibility.
Don’t neglect your blog: Your blog is a valuable marketing tool that helps expand your website content, reach, and search engine placement. Don’t let it become an article graveyard!
Seek Professional SEO Assistance: At iCre8Solutions
The Bottom Line: SEO is an Active, Ongoing Process
Business person using internet analytics in the office on the touch screen of their laptop
Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Much like going to the doctors or a dentist for a checkup, your website needs routine care and maintenance.
In addition to going to your annual appointments, you workout and eat healthy to improve your health. Likewise, maintaining your SEO and website is a critical part of bolstering your website’s health.
Whether you’re just getting started on your SEO strategy or you need a professional to revitalize your current efforts, contact us