Amazon Echo Reviews Sentiment Analysis Using NLP

Zakaria Damaj

ML Engineer
AI Developer
Our project is all about understanding what people think about Amazon Echo by
looking at their reviews. We're using Python as a programming language and for
the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it's spoken
and written we are going to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to do this, and
to Train and test we’ll use Machine learning model called the Naive Bayes
Classifier, we want to guess if customers are happy or not based on what they say
in their reviews. This project is super important because it helps companies make
their products and services better by listening to what customers have to say. We
chose Python because it has really good tools for understanding language, and
the Naive Bayes Classifier is great at figuring out if reviews are positive or negative
Project Objective:
Our main goal is to help companies understand how customers feel about
Amazon Echo by analyzing their reviews. We use a smart system to read and
understand the words in the reviews. First, We’ll do things like getting rid of
common words that don't tell us much and breaking down the text into smaller
parts to get a better idea. Then, we use the Naive Bayes Classifier to guess if
customers are happy or not. By doing this, companies can save time and quickly
find out if customers like the product. This helps them make better decisions and
improve their products to make customers happier.
Features to be Implemented:
• Data preprocessing: Removing common words, and breaking down text
into smaller parts.
• Sentiment analysis: using the Naive Bayes Classifier.
Expected Input and Output:
• Input: Amazon Echo reviews as a dataset.
• Output: Sentiment analysis to analyze and guess whether customers are
happy or not.
Libraries Expected to Be Used:
1. Pandas: Data manipulation for data CSV files .
2. Numpy: Efficient numerical computing with support for large arrays
3. Seaborn: Creating informative statistical visualizations
4. Matplotlib.pyplot: Generating various types of plots for data visualization
5. jupyterthemes.jtplot: Customizing the appearance of Jupyter Notebooks for
better readability.
6. Wordcloud: Generating word clouds to visually represent word frequencies
in text data.
7. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): Providing tools and resources for natural
language processing tasks.
8. Sklearn (scikit-learn): Implementing machine learning algorithms and tools
for data mining and analysis.
• Corpus:
NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): Stopwords corpus will be used for removing
common words from text data.
In conclusion, our project is all about making things easier for companies by
understanding what customers think about Amazon Echo. With the help of
Python, NLP, and the Naive Bayes Classifier, we're helping businesses listen to
their customers and make better products. It's all about using smart technology
to make everyone happier.
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