"I successfully developed a habit-building app that revolutionizes personal growth. The app allows users to receive daily challenges aimed at fostering positive habits. Through engaging and personalized challenges, users can embark on a journey of self-improvement, making it a powerful tool for cultivating positive lifestyle changes."
Habbit Challenges App
This project is a web application for Habbit Challenges. It provides users with the ability to track and participate in various challenges aimed at building better habits. The app offers features such as user customization, challenge progress tracking, and more.
The Habbit Challenges App is designed to help users improve their daily habits through engaging challenges. The app includes features like challenge tracking, customization options, user profiles, and more.
User-friendly interface for easy navigation.
Home, Challenge, Notification, Hide Challenges, and Customize sections in the navigation bar.
User challenges section with progress bars and status indicators.
Top Most user Challenges display.
Level Up section with details on challenging friends and joining monthly challenges.
Packages section for different subscription plans.
Footer with company information and resource links.
Getting Started
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone this repository.
Open the project directory in your preferred code editor.
Open index.html in a web browser to view the app.
Visit the app's home page to explore different challenge options.
Click on "Customize Challenge" to personalize your challenges.
Track your challenge progress through the user challenges section.
Join monthly challenges and challenge your friends in the Level Up section.
Explore different subscription plans in the Packages section.
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have any improvements or suggestions, feel free to submit a pull request.