
Shubham gupta


Data Scientist

Data Analyst


Streaming OTT Subscription

For this analysis, we'll be examining customer churn data from a leading subscription-based streaming service. This industry giant boasts a vast library of movies, TV shows, and original content. Understanding why customers discontinue their subscriptions will be crucial in optimizing the user experience, reducing churn, and maximizing customer lifetime value.

flowchart of Project



Numerical Features

AccountAge MonthlyCharges TotalCharges ViewingHoursPerWeek AverageViewingDuration ContentDownloadsPerMonth UserRating SupportTicketsPerMonth WatchlistSize Churn count 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 243787.000000 mean 60.083758 12.490687 750.741017 20.502179 92.264061 24.503513 3.002713 4.504186 12.018508 0.181232 std 34.285143 4.327613 523.073273 11.243753 50.505243 14.421174 1.155259 2.872548 7.193034 0.385211 min 1.000000 4.990000 4.991154 1.000065 5.000547 0.000000 1.000007 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 25% 30.000000 8.740000 329.147027 10.763953 48.382395 12.000000 2.000853 2.000000 6.000000 0.000000 50% 60.000000 12.500000 649.878487 20.523116 92.249992 24.000000 3.002261 4.000000 12.000000 0.000000 75% 90.000000 16.240000 1089.317362 30.219396 135.908048 37.000000 4.002157 7.000000 18.000000 0.000000 max 119.000000 19.990000 2378.723844 39.999723 179.999275 49.000000 4.999989 9.000000 24.000000 1.000000

Categorical Features

SubscriptionType PaymentMethod PaperlessBilling ContentType MultiDeviceAccess DeviceRegistered GenrePreference Gender ParentalControl SubtitlesEnabled count 243787 243787 243787 243787 243787 243787 243787 243787 243787 243787 unique 3 4 2 3 2 4 5 2 2 2 top Standard Electronic check No Both No Computer Comedy Female Yes Yes freq 81920 61313 121980 81737 122035 61147 49060 121930 122085 122180


Churn Rate

Not Churned Customer - 81.88%
Churned Customer - 18.12%

Churn by Gender

Churn and Gender- Among our users, there are more females than males. However, the churn rate for male users is slightly higher than the churn rate for female users.

Account Age

User Age and Churn:
Account Age Statistics:
Churn Rates:

Total Monthly Charges

Churn and Monthly Charges:
Subscription Distribution:
Monthly Charge Statistics:

Viewing Hours Per Week

Churn and Viewing Hours:
Viewing Hours Statistics:

Average Viewing Duration

Churn and Average View Duration:
Average view Duration Statistics :

Content Downloads Per Month

Churn and Content Downloads Per Month:
Average View Duration Statistics:

User Rating

Churn and User Rating:
User Rating Statistics :

Support Ticket Per month

Churn and Support Ticket:
there is significantly low churn rate when there is no ticket generated. but when the ticket generated it also increaes the churn rate.
Support Ticket Statistics :

Watch List Size

Churn and Watch List Size:
User Rating Statistics :

Churn by Subscription

Churn Rate by Subscription Type:
Premium Subscribers:
User Preferences:

Payment Method and Paperless Billing

Churn and Payment Method:
Overall Insights:
Churn and Paperless Billing:
Overall Insights:

Content Type with Churn

Churn and Content type:

Churn by Genre

Churn and Genre:

Churn by Parental Control and Subtitle Enables

High churn rate in No parental control and no subtitle enabled.
There is high number of users which have parent control and subtitle enabled.

Correlation with Churn

Churn has a negative correlation with the following features:
This implies that as these features increase, churn tends to decrease.
On the other hand, churn has a positive correlation with the following features:
This suggests that as these features increase, churn tends to increase.


Paperless Billing:
Content Type:
Genre Preferences:
Parental Control and Subtitles:

Pipeline of Churn Predicting Machine learning Model

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Posted Jul 21, 2024

Understanding why customers discontinue their subscriptions will be crucial in optimizing the user experience, reducing churn, and maximizing customer lifetime…






Data Scientist

Data Analyst


Shubham gupta

Data Analysis & Streamlined Machine Learning Pro

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