Sample Blog Post Created for a Potential Event Services Brand

Samara Servius

How Your Wedding Planner Can Help You Beat the
Wedding Tax
Your wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You've been planning and
daydreaming and scrapbooking since you were 12. Now you've met the love of your life, saved
up what you believe is a good amount of money, and want to get started planning right away.
Only one problem: the wedding tax.
What is the Wedding Tax?
The wedding tax is what people refer to when the price of something goes up when you say it's
for a wedding. Sometimes, the price increase can be several times higher. Imagine seeing a
makeup artist charge $100 for a full face glam then having to pay $500 for the same thing just
because it's your wedding. Or how about ordering 100 cupcakes for a corporate function and
paying $100 for them, but the price for the same 100 cupcakes for a wedding is $700? We all
know it’s necessary with some vendors. It takes more people, more prep, more editing, and
more equipment to take pictures and videos of a wedding than a child's birthday party. That
can't be helped. But for some of these vendors, there seems to be no justifying the price hike!
So What Can You Do?
And just like that, you see your dreams of an elegant soirée slowly disappearing. These vendors
aren't willing to work with you. They won't (or can't) explain why their pricing is higher for the
same products. Your budget is quickly disappearing before you've even tried on your first dress.
You want the great wedding you always dreamed of, but don't want to go into debt over just one
This is where a great wedding planner comes in.
And I know what you're thinking. "Wedding planners are just another expense. They cost a lot,
too!" And it's true. Full-service wedding planners aren't known for being the cheapest option. But
what you spend on a planner, you could be saving elsewhere.
How Planners Can Help.
The biggest pro of hiring a wedding planner is that with every wedding, they build relationships
with vendors. You have a good experience with a wedding vendor, you're still only using them
the one time (hopefully). Wedding planners, on the other hand, can bring that vendor repeat
business if they have a good experience working with them. Because of this, vendors tend to
put a lot more effort into making a good impression on a planner than on a couple. This shows

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up as better rates, great service, and sometimes even freebies. Is it fair? No! Can you use this
to your advantage? Yes!
Wedding planners can not only choose not to work with that vendor again, but they can warn
other potential clients away from that vendor. If you're a wedding planner and you're looking into
that vendor for the first time, hearing another planner warn you away from working with them
because of a bad experience can cost that vendor dozens of contracts and thousands of dollars
over time.
Wedding planners, or the great ones at least, also tend to have inside knowledge. If you're
wanting a particular look but the vendor or materials needed to create that look is way outside of
your price range, a great wedding planner probably has a few tricks up their sleeve. Maybe
they've come across this before and can suggest a few ways to save money. Maybe they can
connect you with vendors they can vouch for who are starting out and cost a little less.
Whatever it is, your wedding planner is often a great resource for ideas on how to achieve your
vision without breaking the bank.
Consider Hiring a Wedding Planner
A great wedding planner is your lifeline. Use them!
Ready to hire an awesome planner? Check out our list of services to see how we can help you!
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Posted Jun 6, 2023

Created a sample blog post for potential event services clients to view. Final deliverables from me would be about 1.5-2x longer for SEO purposes.

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