
Harsh Ganatra

Web Designer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer

Nutrassist is a comprehensive web platform designed to streamline the practice management of nutritionists and dieticians. The web app was designed to offer:

1. Client Management:

• Secure client profiles with medical history and dietary preferences

• Appointment scheduling and reminders

• Document storage for test results and reports

2. Diet Planning:

• Customizable meal plan creation tools

• Nutrient tracking and analysis

• Recipe database with automatic nutritional information

3. Progress Tracking:

• Client weight and measurement logging

• Goal setting and achievement monitoring

• Visual progress charts and reports

4. Subscription Management:

• Flexible subscription plans for clients

• Renewal reminders and client retention tools

5. Communication Tools:

• Automated follow-up reminders

6. Analytics Dashboard:

• Practice performance metrics

• Client engagement and retention statistics

• Revenue tracking and forecasting

Nutrassist as a platform helped to empower nutritionists and dieticians to focus more on client care by automating administrative tasks and providing powerful tools for personalized nutrition planning.

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