My Jeep Configurator

Eric Tesenair

Backend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer

This web application was meticulously crafted to empower Jeep enthusiasts and owners with a unique customization experience. Designed for a client, the platform offers end-users the ability to tailor their Jeep's appearance and functionality based on their individual preferences.

Central to the application's interactivity is its use of HTML Canvas. This technology allows for dynamic rendering of the Jeep, providing real-time visual feedback as users select different parts and configurations. As they make their choices, the Jeep is visually updated on the canvas, ensuring users can see and appreciate the impact of their customizations instantly.

A standout feature of the application is its integration with both eBay and InsigniaGroup. An internal API has been developed to merge data from both eBay and InsigniaGroup, ensuring users have a comprehensive view of available Jeep parts and configurations. This not only enhances the customization options available but also provides users with a unified and streamlined experience.

Technical Stack:

  • Frontend Framework: NextJS - Chosen for its server-side rendering capabilities, ensuring a fast and responsive user experience.
  • Rendering: HTML Canvas - Used to dynamically render the Jeep based on user customizations, offering an interactive and visual representation of the final product.
  • Backend: AWS Lambda - Provides serverless compute services, ensuring scalability and performance.
  • API Integrations:
    • eBay API & InsigniaGroup API: An internal API merges data from both sources, offering users a comprehensive database of Jeep parts and configurations.

In conclusion, this Jeep Customization Web Application is a state-of-the-art platform that marries user-centric design with robust technical infrastructure, offering Jeep aficionados a comprehensive and immersive customization experience.

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