Nature care

jana maksoud

3D Designer
Architect & Interior Designer
Autodesk 3ds Max
It is a rehabilitation center targeted for youth between 12 and 21 years old. It is a Drug\Alcohol addiction, Depression, Stress\Anxiety, and more different mental disabilities rehab center. I designed it because For many years and especially for the past four years, Lebanon has been assailed by compounded crises, economic, and financial, followed by COVID-19 and the explosion at the Port of Beirut. This series of events happening in Lebanon has caused the youth multiple mental health issues. Frustration and lack of opportunities create fertile ground for violence and instability, making them vulnerable to risky behavior, including substance abuse and drug addiction. Providing a welcoming environment that gives freedom and a sense of belonging in a context similar to their home is a need. The search for the perfect concept started from The word "nature" which derives from the Latin word "nātūra", a philosophical term derived from the verb for birth, so we are genetically programmed to find elements of nature soothing, it makes us feel like a newborn, it’s like nature rebirth us. That is why Being in nature, or even getting exposed to natural light, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. And from this idea, I thought of biophilia as a concept because it gives the same feeling as being in nature and the whole rebirthing process. "BIOPHILIA IS MORE THAN A PREFERENCE, IT'S AN INSTINCT".
section D
section D
section C
section C
section B
section B
section A
section A
underground floor
underground floor
second floor plan
second floor plan
first floor plan
first floor plan
ground floor plan
ground floor plan
ground floor plan with landscape
ground floor plan with landscape
Lobby/waiting area
Lobby/waiting area
clinic office
clinic office
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