Editorial Assistant of Cahiers Series: 'Quarry' by Rachel Cusk

Mary Noorlander

Content Editor

Copy Editor


Microsoft Word

This project held a particular weight, as Rachel Cusk is a highly successful and widely-read novelist. As editorial assistant to the Center for Writers and Translators, who publish The Cahier Series, I was responsible for the copy editing, as well as light content editing, on this manuscript. I was involved at each stage of the editing process, and edited each of the four (to five, depending on your definition) drafts completed for this work.
I was additionally responsible for the online promotion of this publication, including social media representation for an event with Cusk and Scamell-Katz in Paris.
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Posted Oct 30, 2022

Novelist Rachel Cusk explores themes of arrival, transition, and loss in this account of a time spent in Greece.






Content Editor

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Microsoft Word

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