Branding and Website Design

Sabine Panneau

Brand Strategist
Web Designer

Working with Laura

Laura and I met in a marketing group on Facebook and became accountability partners back in early 2020. We’ve been meeting online every 2 weeks since then.
As Laura’s coaching grew a lot after launching her book, she needed to update her website as she wasn’t happy with her old site. She had done a couple of photoshoots and wanted a beautiful website that reflected her new brand and her style.
First, we designed the homepage keeping in mind the user experience (UX).
I decided to keep the menu very simple with only a few items. The quiz is her main lead magnet for her mailing list so I placed it in the menu as well as directly under the header. I highlighted her recent features online and picked 3 ways to work with her.
I added a testimonial section at the bottom of the home page as this is a very powerful marketing tool to engage with potential clients.
Finally, I gave another opportunity for the readers to find their dreamers’ type by completing the quiz.
Sabine and I have been business accountability buddies for two years, speaking every fortnight about business, targets, confidence and more. We have helped each other in different ways, using our own business areas as a support mechanism for the other.
This year Sabine created my beautiful website and it is perfect, both in terms of content and style but also because it is a true representation of me and the work that I do. It is testament to her skills that she was able to translate my unfocused ideas into something incredible.
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