
Timary Harrity

Video Editor

Video Producer


Final Cut Pro

Logic Pro

I created the short film "Sometimes" the spring semester of my senior year at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Comm 597V "ST Advanced Video Production Workshop", a course that encouraged a 'hands-on' approach to creating visual media. Allowing students the opportunity to spend a full semester writing, producing and editing a short film of their creation.
Final Shot of "Sometimes"
Final Shot of "Sometimes"
Puffer's Pond Amherst, MA
Puffer's Pond Amherst, MA
Entering the course with only a short script I had written over winter recess, "Sometimes" transformed into a short experimental narrative film. With the inspiration and support from classmates, peers and family I attempted to give audiences an intimate view of struggles that come with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.
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Posted Jun 20, 2022

“Sometimes” is a short film I made for a video production course my senior year at UMass Amherst. I created this based on discussions with people in my life ...






Video Editor

Video Producer


Final Cut Pro

Logic Pro

@honeynutfarm Social Media Manager
@honeynutfarm Social Media Manager
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