Tom Odell - Another Love (lyrics video)

Matic Vehovec

Video Editor

Adobe Premiere Pro

Overview 🔎

High concept, high aesthetics music video with lyricks.
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Problem & Solution 🤝

The main challenge was finding and configuring text animations and the best fonts which matched the pacing and the atmosphere of the video.

Process 🛣

After much trial and error I decided to use to different styles of text animation along with two different fonts. This served to mark the transition in the music. The first part of song is melancholic and slow. I decided to convey this with a brush style font and a slow animation.
For the second part of the song, which is angry and fast paced I used a font font which give the feel of hastily scribbled letters. I applied the font to a pulsating animation which gives a feel of anxiety and raw emotion.

Results 🎁

The result is a highly polished music video where they graphics, the music and the background video all complement each other to create a cohesive piece of visual art.
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Posted Jan 15, 2023

An artistic rendition of Tom Odell’s song, with animated lyrics.






Video Editor

Adobe Premiere Pro

Matic Vehovec

Self thought video editor and designer.

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