Extreme Steam Inc - Web Design/Dev

Brian Alvarado

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Web Developer
Adobe Illustrator

Extreme Steam Inc: A 20+ Year Legacy Refreshed for the Modern Age

Extreme Steam Inc, a trusted steam cleaning company serving the Miami and Broward areas, had been using the same website since 2009. After 20+ years in business, it was clear the site needed a fresh look to better reflect their experience and connect with today’s clients.

I reached out to Tony, the owner, to discuss how a modern website could not only update their image but also drive new leads and establish greater credibility with potential clients. After understanding Tony’s goals and target audience, I designed a new, easy-to-navigate site using Figma & Framer, putting a strong focus on their services, Google reviews, and client testimonials.

The result? Tony now reports that he’s receiving twice as many calls per week compared to before, showing the direct impact of the revamped website.

Check out the transformation below, from their outdated 2009 site to the sleek, client-focused website of 2024! View Live Client Site: https://www.extremesteaminc.net/

The Before and After Web Design

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