Sales Page: Blog Like a Boss

Matthew Metcalfe

Blog Writer
Content Writer
SEO Specialist

Project Overview: Blog Like a Boss Sales Page Copy

Quality blog articles are a very powerful way to establish businesses as authorities in their industries and help them reach and connect with potential clients online.
Blog Like a Boss is a digital product designed to make blogging easier and faster for business owners.
The product consists of 4 key parts that help business owners develop a blogging strategy, easily choose a quality blog topic and write a blog that is both engaging and interesting for their target audience.

Sales Page Copywriting Strategy

My role in Blog Like a Boss was to write the sales page copy. The product itself was almost completed and the tech had been mostly implemented.
I needed to work with the design team to develop a flow for the sales page itself and ensure that it would take the customer on a journey that would ultimately lead to a purchase.
The marketing team was planning on running Facebook conversion sales ads to the page, so I needed to make sure that the copy spoke directly to the problems that the product solved and had appropriate stories that would connect with the potential customer quickly while building trust.

Writing Copy that Connected

The first thing I did was revise the customer avatars and make sure that they were very specific. I was particularly interested in refining the problems that business owners faced when it came to blogging and being able to position the product in a way that solved those problems directly.
After getting clear on the customer avatar I moved over to the copy itself.
Because of the nature of the direct sales advertising, there were 4 things that I wanted to achieve when the customer landed on the sales page:
Speak directly to the customer's problem to build interest.
Have a clearly articulated and relatable story that held their attention and created a relationship.
Highlight the issues the customers were facing and ensure they knew we understood how they were feeling to create trust.
Position the product as the solution and craft an offer that was both compelling and contained real urgency.
If I was able to write copy that accomplished those 4 things, the sales page would be in a very good position to get a high ROAS from the direct conversion Facebook ads.

Sales Page Results

As the goal of the sales page was to convert customers in one session, we were focused on customer engagement and conversion metrics.
The results were as follows.
Conversion Rate: 6.42%
This was a very good conversion rate. The industry average is approximately 1-2% conversion rate from Facebook sales conversion ads.
The marketing team had identified that a 3% conversion rate would result in a break-even campaign. So a 6.42% was very good and meant the copy was engaging and compelling.
Avg Time on Page: 1 minute 13 seconds
The average time that a person spent on the page was a good indicator of how well they connected with the copy and overall flow.
1 minute 13 seconds was a very good result as it meant that the copy was very engaging and that the offer was positioned in an interesting way.
Add to Cart Rate: 17%
With the flow of the funnel, the customer would land on the sales page and then click a button to take them to the order form to purchase. When a customer clicked over to the order form this was counted as an add to cart.
17% is a very high add-to-cart rate. It means that for every 100 unique people that visited the sales page, 17 of them clicked through to the order form to purchase the product.
This was a clear sign that the compelling call-to-actions were effective and people developed a strong desire for the product after reading the copy.
ROAS: 2.3
For the business, ROAS (return on ad spend) was going to be the most important metric. Because it was a digital product, margins were 96% which meant a ROAS of 2 or more would be very good.
The average industry ROAS from digital products with this type of campaign is only 1.2.
To get a ROAS of 2.3 meant that the sales page copy connected with the customer, built trust with them, quickly spoke to the issues they were facing, and was ultimately very compelling.

Know the Customer & Position With Copywriting

I was very happy with the overall results and performance of the copy on the sales page. But, there was one thing that really showed me the project had been a real success.
On multiple occasions, after customers had purchased the product, they would write emails to the team to explain how happy they were with the product and how it was exactly what they needed.
A lot of the customers also referenced the original story on the sales page that I had written. They had explained how the story had really impacted them and it was like they were being spoken to specifically.
This was a real positive for me because it meant that I had been able to understand who the customer was and write copy that connected with them!


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