Animated portrait Wallpaper

Shaheer Ahmed

2D Animator
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Stable Diffusion
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Introduction: This project involves the creation of an eye-catching portrait of a girl wearing glasses and subsequently bringing this artwork to life through animation. The process will utilize Photoshop for initial artwork creation and After Effects for animation, resulting in a visually engaging and dynamic piece of digital art. Project Objective: The primary objective of this project is to showcase the creative and technical skills involved in transforming a static portrait into a captivating animated artwork. The animated portrait will add depth and character to the original illustration, making it more visually appealing and engaging. Project Details: Artwork Creation: The first phase of the project will involve the creation of a detailed and visually striking portrait of a girl wearing glasses. The artwork will be designed in Photoshop, with an emphasis on capturing the girl's personality and the fine details of her glasses. Animation: After the artwork is complete, the animation phase will begin in Adobe After Effects. This step will involve adding movement and life to the portrait. Possible animation elements could include subtle facial expressions, blinking, hair movement, or background effects to create a visually captivating scene.
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