Mental Health Deterioration.

Shaqeel Dodia


Affiliate Marketer

Content Writer

Microsoft Word

Mental health is the overall psychological and emotional traits of a human being that compound or combine together to dictate the overall feelings that a person undergoes. Mental health is on a constant decline since modern times in the sense that they are more underlying factors that now affect us on a daily basis.
Each person mental health is influenced by different factors such as health in general, family trauma, relationship trauma, being unable to secure employment either due to excess employment already in play or due to the introduction of automation services constantly replacing labour jobs etc
The constant decline in mental health and the factors influencing mental and emotional stress may negatively affect others more as these underlying issues may have an extremely adverse effect on those diagnosed with mental disorders such as; bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ptsd, eating disorders, disruptive disorders and any form of neurodevelopment issues. So others may be affected more which also contributes to the increasing suicide rate of which 401000 people have already committed in 2024 alone. Another underlying factor in teens nowadays committing suicide wouldn’t be what you think it is, but some study cases state that majority of suicides in teenagers usually stem from the need to want to be successful at a young age and social media takes its toll on them mentally as envy takes place. Envy of what you ask? Envy of others earning gross amounts and becoming wealthy at such youthful pre adulting stages of their lives and advertising it on social media which then usually places a pressure mentally on the teens of today as they are now feeling unfulfilled.
Every single individual has their own methods of dealing with mental stress and depression as a whole, which are coping mechanisms in order to prevent further deterioration of one’s mental clarity. Some people work out, some people read books, others enjoy the constant thrill of fishing, earning money, knitting, YouTube and other small quirks that may aid in mental clarity but of course the biggest advice that is universally advised upon is speaking to a psychologist and undergoing therapy.
Benefits of Therapy
1)Therapy provides an environment and safety net in which one can express themselves without the fear of judgement. They are encouraged to be themselves and will be received with utmost empathy.
2)Therapists aid in creating safety zones where individuals can tap into their traits and norms to understand themselves and what causes them to act a certain way.
3)Therapists aid in understanding created traumas from the past or present and how they attributed to behavioral patterns that an individual may exhibit and developing methods on how to move past them.
4)As mental health struggles usually impact relationships causing those to cut off communications with their loved ones and shut off the world entirely, therapy usually provides insight into resolving conflicts and methods on which to utilize in order to recreate broken bonds and gain effective emotional support from those that care about them.
5)Therapy introduces solutions and skills on what will aid with mental tension. Therapist will provide models on how to diminish tension within an individual through the creation and use of new skills in order to harbor ones mental state.
6)Growth. Therapy highly encourages growth and self reflecting. Therapists will aid you in setting yourself long term goals that will motivate you in the long run and focus on self improvement as a whole.
Everyone suffers from mental health, some more than others but what matters today is how you decide to deal with it and recognizing the pros and cons about oneself and creating an assessment portal in which you can truly discover how to be better, do better and grow in all walk ways of life as a person. We all deserve to be happy and thriving, different factors will always affect us individually but what matters is using creative or non creative measures to secure your mental well being and lead a fulfilling life.
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Posted May 16, 2024

A micro presentation on mental health, it’s adverse effects and what is usually advised to do if you’re diagnosed with depression.






Affiliate Marketer

Content Writer

Microsoft Word

Shaqeel Dodia
