CRO Optimization for Health & Wellness Shopify Brand

Finn Gedge Gibb

CRO Expert
eCommerce Marketer
UI Designer

We kickstarted optimisation efforts for a reputable health and wellness brand who've been in business since 2018. Although recognised as one of the category leaders, they felt they'd rested on laurels over the preceding years, falling short on maintaining a smooth, up-to-date customer journey with below average conversion rates reflecting this.

As a result, they knew they could be doing more to maximise the efficiency of their shopping experience to help stay competitive amongst the backdrop of rising advertising and operational costs.

After carrying out a full-site CRO audit for the brand, we identified a list of 20+ customised ideas and points of optimisation for the current site experience.

Many of these observations were adding unnecessary friction to the customer journey, pushing conversion rates and revenue per session below potential. This was evidenced by a high drop-off at the top of the sales funnel.

We hypothesised based on the audit that by removing key points of friction through subtractive optimisation, we could expect to see a positive lift in KPIs throughout the funnel.

After being engaged, we duplicated the theme and set to work on implementing our proposed changes.

Once the new theme was prepared, we then conducted a split test, selecting a particular holdout segment of users to measure the impact on the home page => Checkout purchase journey.

By testing a small amount of users first, we balanced the desire for fast conclusive results against the possible risk factor.

190% Increase in Revenue Per Visitor

Following conclusion of the experiment and our segmented analysis, we discovered interesting results. Within the Desktop & Tablet segments we achieved a 190% increase in Revenue Per Visitor (RPV).

As a result of this, we increased the RPV from £1.94 to £5.63 representing a large increase in Incremental Revenue. In this instance, we accepted a slightly lower confidence rate of 92% in exchange for a faster conclusion of results.

This particular segment represented over 50% of the experiments traffic, giving it a high-impact on the overall performance of the site once deployed across the full user base.

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