
Pavan Kumar

Financial Analyst
Data Analyst


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Exploring Current Inventory.

Q.1 How many unique products are currently in the inventory?

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT productName) FROM products; /* There are 110 currently unique products in the inventory */

Q.2 Can you list all the product categories and the count of products within each category?

SELECT COUNT(productline) as total_products , productLine FROM products GROUP BY productLine; /* there are total 7 product category in an inventory */

Q.3 What is the total quantity of each product available in the inventory?

SELECT sum(quantityInStock), productName FROM products GROUP BY productName;

Q.4 Which products have the highest and lowest quantities in the inventory?

SELECT MAX(quantityInStock) AS highest_quantity_product, productName FROM products GROUP BY productName limit 1 ; SELECT min(quantityInStock), productName
FROM products GROUP BY productName order by min(quantityInStock) asc limit 1;
/* product 1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper has maximum stock / / product 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 has minimum stock */
##Inventory Reorganization and Reduction:

Q.5 What is the current storage location of each product?

SELECT p.productname, p.quantityinstock, w.warehousecode, w.warehousename FROM products p JOIN warehouses w ON p.warehouseCode = w.warehouseCode;

Q.6 Can you identify products that share the same storage location?

SELECT productname, warehouseCode FROM products order by warehouseCode;

Q.7 Are there products with low quantities that can be consolidated into fewer storage locations?

SELECT productcode, productname, warehousecode, SUM(quantityinstock) AS total_quantity FROM products GROUP BY productcode ,warehousecode order by total_quantity ,warehouseCode asc; /*from abovr question we can suggest that warehouse */ /*code a has 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 product in very less quantity 15 and warehouse b having 68 quantity of 1968 Ford Mustang */

Identifying Slow-Moving Products:

Q.8 Are there any storage locations that can be eliminated by rearranging the products?

SELECT p.productCode, p.productname, sum(p.quantityinstock) as total_quantity, sum(o.quantityOrdered) as total_sale, warehouseCode, count(p.warehouseCode)
FROM orderdetails o JOIN products p ON p.productCode = o.productCode group by p.productCode order by total_sale asc; /* from belew table we get the list of products and warecousecode that has the low / / sale over the overall database there is need to rearrange the products */

Q.9 Which products which is in warehouse D and not in A,B,C ?

SELECT DISTINCT p.productName FROM products p INNER JOIN orderdetails o ON p.productCode = o.productCode WHERE p.warehouseCode = 'D' AND p.productCode NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT p2.productCode FROM products p2 INNER JOIN orderdetails o2 ON p2.productCode = o2.productCode WHERE p2.warehouseCode IN ('A' , 'B', 'c'));

Q.10 Can you identify products that have not been sold for a specific period of time?

SELECT o.orderDate, od.quantityOrdered, p.productName, od.productCode, p.productName, p.quantityInStock, p.warehouseCode FROM orders o INNER JOIN orderdetails od ON o.orderNumber = od.orderNumber INNER JOIN products p ON p.productcode = od.productcode WHERE o.orderDate IS NULL OR o.orderDate < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 300 DAY) ; /frm above we get products that have not been sold for a specific period of time/

Q.11 Identify products with low turnover rates that might be candidates for reevaluation or reduction.

SELECT sum(py.amount) as total_amount, sum(od.quantityordered) as total_orders, p.productname, p.warehouseCode, sum(p.quantityInStock), count( p.productname) FROM payments py JOIN orders o ON py.customernumber = o.customernumber JOIN orderdetails od ON o.orderNumber = od.orderNumber JOIN products p ON od.productcode = p.productcode group by p.productName, p.warehouseCode order by p.warehouseCode, total_amount asc; /* The product 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 has less orders as well as low revenue in overall sell in warehousecode 'A'*/ /*In ware housecode 'B' the product 1972 Alfa Romeo GTA has less revenue */ /*In ware housecode 'c' from quantity in stock we can say that 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Cabriolet has less revenue and less sell in overall sell but has more stock */

Q.12 Are there products that consistently have high sales but low inventory, indicating a potential opportunity for increased stocking?

SELECT SUM(py.amount) AS total_amount, SUM(od.quantityordered) AS total_orders, p.productname, p.warehouseCode, SUM(p.quantityInStock), COUNT(p.productname) FROM payments py JOIN orders o ON py.customernumber = o.customernumber JOIN orderdetails od ON o.orderNumber = od.orderNumber JOIN products p ON od.productcode = p.productcode GROUP BY p.productName , p.warehouseCode ORDER BY p.warehouseCode , total_amount ASC;
/*product 1928 Ford Phaeton Deluxe In ware housecode 'c' from quantity in stock 1928 Ford Phaeton Deluxe need of keeping more stock */ /*In ware housecode 'B' ,1968 Ford Mustang has more revenue and has more orders but has very less in stock there is a need of keeping more stock of this model / / In warehouse code 'D' the model The Mayflower has more orders and more revenue from it but we have less stock of it */

Q.13 Can you identify products that have not been sold within a lat year ?

SELECT p.productName, p.warehouseCode, o.orderdate FROM products p LEFT JOIN orderdetails od ON p.productCode = od.productCode JOIN orders o ON o.ordernumber = od.orderNumber WHERE o.orderDate IS NULL or (o.orderDate >= '2004-01-01' AND o.orderDate <= '2005-12-01') ORDER BY p.warehouseCode;
/* Below is the list of product are not orderd in last year / / there is a need of focusing and thinking more about this products they are remain as it is in inventory */

Analyzing Supplier Relationships

Q.14 Which customer borrow the most products from the inventory?

SELECT c.customerName, c.customerNumber,, sum(od.quantityOrdered) as total_order
FROM customers c JOIN orders o ON c.customerNumber = o.customerNumber JOIN orderdetails od ON od.ordernumber = o.orderNumber group by c.customerNumber,, order by total_order desc ; /from above code we get the top customers of inventory/

Q.15 how many unique customer inventory has ?

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customername) as total_unique_customers FROM customers; /* inventory has 122 unique customers */

Q.16 top 10 customer bought the products from the inventory?

SELECT c.customerName, c.customerNumber,, SUM(od.quantityOrdered) AS total_order FROM customers c JOIN orders o ON c.customerNumber = o.customerNumber JOIN orderdetails od ON od.ordernumber = o.orderNumber JOIN products p ON p.productCode = od.productCode GROUP BY c.customerNumber , ORDER BY total_order DESC LIMIT 10; /* from above code we get the top 10 customers that bought product */

Q.17 which top customers bought products from the inventorry ? ,provide warehouse core with it .

SELECT c.customerName, c.customerNumber,, sum(od.quantityOrdered) as total_order, p.warehouseCode
FROM customers c JOIN orders o ON c.customerNumber = o.customerNumber JOIN orderdetails od ON od.ordernumber = o.orderNumber join products p on p.productCode=od.productCode group by c.customerNumber,,p.warehouseCode order by p.warehouseCode ; /* from above code we get the top 10 customers that bought product from particular warehouse*/

Q.18 How are inventory numbers related to sales figures? Do the inventory counts seem appropriate for each item?

FROM orderdetails od JOIN products p ON p.productCode = od.productCode GROUP BY p.productVendor,p.warehouseCode order by p.warehouseCode desc ;
/* we get vendors and their total orders by warehousecode */

Q.20 find top 10 vendors whose products have not been selling well and might need revaluation?

SELECT p.productVendor, SUM(od.quantityOrdered) AS total_order FROM orderdetails od JOIN products p ON p.productCode = od.productCode GROUP BY p.productVendor ORDER BY total_order ASC limit 10; /we get venders that not selling products fast/

21. which customer have highest shopping and from which warehouse /top 50 customers?

SELECT c.customerName, c.customerNumber,, count( as no_of_customer, sum(od.quantityOrdered) as total_order, p.warehousecode, p.productName
FROM customers c JOIN orders o ON c.customerNumber = o.customerNumber JOIN orderdetails od ON od.ordernumber = o.orderNumber join products p on p.productCode=od.productCode

Q 22 which seller sale less products and from which warehouse they belongs ?

SELECT c.customerName, c.customerNumber,, count( as no_of_customer, sum(od.quantityOrdered) as total_order, p.warehousecode, p.productName
FROM customers c JOIN orders o ON c.customerNumber = o.customerNumber JOIN orderdetails od ON od.ordernumber = o.orderNumber join products p on p.productCode=od.productCode

major findings

1. There are 110 currently unique products in the inventory.

2. There are total 7 product category in an inventory.

3. product 1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper has maximum stock .

4. product 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 has minimum stock.

5. list of products and warecousecode that has the low sale over the overall database there is need to rearrange the products .

6. The product 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 has less orders as well as low revenue in overall sell in warehousecode 'A',In ware housecode 'B' the product 1972 Alfa Romeo GTA has less revenue .In ware housecode 'c' from quantity in stock we can say that 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Cabriolet has less revenue and less sell in overall sell but has more stock */

7. from above we get products that have not been sold for a specific period of time.

8. product 1928 Ford Phaeton Deluxe In ware housecode 'c' from quantity in stock 1928 Ford Phaeton Deluxe need of keeping more stock ,In ware housecode 'B' ,1968 Ford Mustang has more revenue and has more orders but has very less in stock there is a need of keeping more stock of this model ,In warehouse code 'D' the model The Mayflower has more orders and more revenue from it but we have less stock of it .alter

9. Below is the list of product are not orderd in last year .there is a need of focusing and thinking more about this products they are remain as it is in inventory.

10. from above code we get the top customers of inventory.

11. from above code we get the top 10 customers that bought product from particular warehouse.

12. the warehouse 'A' has 24650 orders, 'B' has 35582 orders ,'d' has the less orders than other 3 warehouses .

13. we get vendors and their total orders by warehousecode.

14. we get venders that not selling products fast.

15. from above we will suggest that which seller sale top products and from which warehouse it belong.


In this inventory there is 110 total products present with 7 total categories .

In this inventory the 1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper has maximum stock and 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 has minimum stock.

product F/A 18 Hornet 1/72 has 15428 product in inventory but has 1047 sale which is close to maximum sell , this product has need to restock

this productcode has low sale but stored in high quantity S18_4933,S24_1046,S24_3969,S18_2248,S18_2870,S18_4409,S24_4048,S24_3191,S24_2887,S18_2795,S18_3140,S24_3420,S24_3432,S700_1691,S700_3962,S700_2047,S32_4485,S700_1938 need to be rearrange.

The product 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 has less orders as well as low revenue in overall sell in warehousecode 'A',In ware housecode 'B' the product 1972 Alfa Romeo GTA has less revenue .In ware housecode 'c' from quantity in stock we can say that 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Cabriolet has less revenue and less sell in overall sell but has more stock there is need of removel such products .

the list of product are not orderd in last year .there is a need of focusing and thinking more about this products they are remain as it is in inventory.

from Q 17 we get the top 10 customers that bought product from particular warehouse and their country ,so from this we can think about to open new warehouse at paticular country or close from a country

the warehouse 'A' has 24650 orders, 'B' has 35582 orders ,'d' has the less orders than other 3 warehouses

Q 19 gives us the hint to which vendor we need to inspect and for which we need replace vendor and add new vendor which has more ability to sell product .

From Q 20 we get venders that not selling their products fast. we will decrese the stocking for that venders.

Q 21 suggest us that which vendor sale top products and from which warehouse it belong. we can see the result and then stock more products for that warehouse and for that vendor.

Q 21 gives us that the which customer is frequant and top buyer and from whivh city they belongs, we will give them offer for more sale and think about the rearrangement of products .

from Q 21 we can also say that which country has top buyer or top customer and from which warehouse,customer Euro+ Shopping Channel has customer no 141 from country Spainand 8 total customers 308 total orders from warehouse 'b'.alter

and which country,vender and from which warehouse we have less orders and revenue we can rearrange the warehouse and stocking .

Q 22 can tell us that the warehouse b has very high customers in spain and c has 6 orders from usa and warehouse c , also c has less no of orders . we can see the country and rearrangen the warehouses and products .

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