
Rodrigo Erazo

Fullstack Engineer
UX Designer
Web Developer

Adaptable but Identifiable Product for Magistralem.

To satisfy our goal of creating a brand that could adapt across many use cases, we took the base form of their new logo and used it as an artboard. As long as the structural outline of the mark stayed consistent their brand was allowed to flex and adapt to specific uses. And by introducing these illustrative elements to the logomark, Strictly found it’s voice.
Magistralem. Jan 01, 2021

Key Findings

01. Basics
To satisfy my goal of creating a brand that could adapt across many use cases, took the base form of their old logo and used it as an artboard. As long as the structural outline of the mark stayed consistent their brand was allowed to flex and adapt to specific uses.
02. Goals
Provide more clicks and a friendly environment for the user aswell new customers
03. Problems
Old design was very coorporate and very comples to adapt to the extensive use cases
04. Solutions
Complete re-design of logo aswell new colors as for the niche is basically women


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