Alphas Theory

George Dzavashvili


Game Developer




Alpha’s Theory is about a robot named Alpha that lives in an anomalous world made entirely of metal and machinery. Robots on this world play out their lives similarly to how our world operates, except that there is nothing organic or “living” on this world. Alpha’s everyday life is more comparable to that of a scientist, where he works for a company that is always trying to innovate the next great thing or understand the world around them.
The horrifying story of Alpha’s Theory all begins when an asteroid comes crashing into Alpha’s home planet, not far from where he works. Reports come in from the locals, and a scout team is sent to retrieve the cosmological entity and begin preparations to study it. Once the scientists bring the asteroid back to the lab, their initial inspections reveal a strange cluster of foreign matter unfamiliar to anyone in this scientific community. Orange and foreign in appearance, this organic matter almost seems to be alive. After some time and many experiments later, the scientists seem to have a basic understanding of what this material is and how it behaves within its environment.
One day, Alpha sets up his experiments as usual, but decides to study what kind of effects these newly named “cells” have on certain chemical components. As Alpha continues with the experiment, he begins by adding a drop of a chemical concoction onto the cells. At first, nothing happens; Alpha and his assistants wait patiently. Then, a small reaction begins to smolder where the chemical formula has made contact with the cell. Before Alpha or any of the other scientist can react to the smoldering, it quickly evolves into a catastrophic reaction, knocking Alpha back into a storage closet. Alarms signal an immediate warning to all of the scientists within the lab. Alpha would later awake, only to find out the horrifying results of his experiment had now instigated detrimental effects on the reality he once knew.
Many of the characters the player will run into in Alpha’s Theory are other scientists and staff that Alpha worked alongside, nearly all of which have been infected and turned into horrible zombie like creatures that no longer have control over their actions, with only one priority in mind. To further spread the infection. Although the situation seems bleak and lonely, there are a few survivors that Alpha will be able to interact with and even have tag along to help.
Alpha fighting off small drones
Alpha being chased by skivers
Alpha's infected transformation


There will be many bosses throughout the game that will be randomized to each floor. Each with their own unique attacks and methods to stop the player from progressing.
One of many bosses a player may encounter in their play through
Some of the boss mechanics
Playing through the game will never be the same as the previous play through, just like how the floors will be randomly laid out, item spawns will also be random. Each run through will offer a variety of different items, and abilities that the player might come across, creating interesting synergies and play styles.
Alpha switching ammo types
One of the primary mechanics that we want to add this game is the ability to combine different ammo types to create your own ammo, that contains your desired stats and aesthetics. Along with the ammo, there will be plenty of different active abilities and passive items the player can pick up along the way to add to a creative combination of equipment.
Sample of items a player might see throughout the game
sample of weapons a player might see throughout the game

Level Design

We plan to create hundreds of different rooms to keep the random generation of floor layouts exciting and fresh for each play-through. As our development of the game progresses we also plan to add in different shaped rooms as well. Below are just a few examples of early development room layouts we have made so far.
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Posted Jul 6, 2023

A indie roguelike/dungeon crawler video game








Game Developer




George Dzavashvili

Game and Web Developer

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