
Xolani Mazibuko

Software Engineer


Generates a excel and powerpoint report using pandas, openpyxl and python-pptx using data exported from DataScouting and Mention.


Place the following files in the same directory and rename them as follows:
DataScouting File --> print.xlsx
Mention --> onlineandsocial.xlsx
Google sheets --> broadcast.xlsx
Mention --> onlineSSA.xlsx
Mention --> socialSSA.xlsx
AVE Template.xlsx
run This will generate the following files:
AVE Data.xlsx
AVE Report (start date) - (end date).xlsx for example AVE Report 09.08.2018 - 15.08.2018.xlsx
SSA digital data for weekly report (start date) - (end date).xlsx
The output excel file looks like this:
AVE Data
Select the articles the articles that you would like to add to the powerpoint presentation as follows:
In the Print and Online tab highlight 5 product articles in yellow (#FFFFFF00) and 5 corporate articles in green (#FF92D050).
In the Broadcast tab highlight 2 broadcasts in red (#FFFF0000).
AVE Data
In the OnlineSSA and SocialSSA highlight 5 articles in orange (#FFFFC000) and 3 tweets in light blue (#FF00B0F0).
AVE Data
AVE Data
run This will generate the following file:
Nissan Weekly Report (start date) - (end date).pptx for example Nissan Weekly Report 09 August - 15 August 2018
AVE Data
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