Being that I had built most of the backend for Zulu Republic, the company behind Lite.IM I was excited to see how it would scale into hundreds of thousands of users, thankfully, due to careful planning early on we were able to expand to support these users without so much as a thought. The auto-scaling mechanisms that were in place did their job and we woke up overnight to a marketing campaign gone viral that resulted in nearly half a million created accounts.
The backend was only half the battle though, tasked with handling and processing message requests from all of these users posed another challenge, with the help of my collogue we had designed a processing queue that allowed us to process messages in order of priority, typically responding to inquiring users in about ~1 second on average. As you can imagine, this grew quite complex as we integrated sockets, hooks, and shared state management between several backend instances and platforms such as Facebook, Twilio, Telegram, and Whatsapp. Fun Fact: Did you know that we had a Twitter implementation too, which allowed you to interact with the bot in a comment thread? This never saw the light of day, but it was an interesting idea.