"Is the climate changing your local wine grapes? Find out after the commercial
break." After a couple of minutes of commercials and stories of smoke
tainted California grapes, a snore rises from the couch, echoing through the
house. Theresa gets up from her paperwork, looking at her mother resting
peacefully. Wishing Thersa could someday feel that peace again, where she could
put one of her mother’s old records on and sing freely to the music as she did
as a child. Now no one could feel like a child in this town, this inferno.
Whether Theresa was in the California house or in Washington for work, she
could never rest during the endless hot season. She would spend nights upon
nights awake, listening to the radio through her laptop, while scrolling for
updates on social media, and obsessively watching any little burn. Theresa
presses her t-shirt to her chest, mopping up her sweat, then gets up to move
the big fan to face her sleeping mother.