It’s important to note that the protagonist would rather die than be a victim of rape, to become an object for them. She wishes the die with dignity, though, the people around her see it as she is throwing away a viable womb for them to use. She is throwing away the future existence of humanity, and her rejection of life, to them, is a direct threat to their livelihoods. “If, however, there is no baby and, in consequence, no future, then the blame must fall on the fatal lure of sterile, narcissistic enjoyments understood as inherently destructive of meaning and therefore as responsible for the undoing of social organization, collective reality, and, inevitably, life itself” (Edelman 13), this character is not explicitly queer, but she was written by queer women who most likely felt this force herself. To be a woman with no children and no plan to have children, rather than have a wife, is an agenda that directly goes against the powerhouse that runs the world, men.