NBA Sports Predictions

Anwar Ali

As a sports enthusiast and data analyst, I have always been interested in applying machine learning techniques to predict future outcomes of sporting events. The NBA, with its intense games and passionate fan base, seemed like the perfect league to experiment with these techniques. In this project, I used a Linear Regression Model to predict the outcomes of NBA games.
To begin with, I collected the NBA dataset for the 2001-2002 season. This dataset includes various metrics such as teams' offensive and defensive efficiency, points per game, and other relevant factors that could potentially affect the outcome of a game. I cleaned the data and removed any unnecessary variables to ensure that my model was trained on the most relevant information.
After cleaning the data, I selected a Linear Regression Model for my analysis. Linear Regression is a popular machine learning technique used for predicting continuous variables. I trained the model on the 2001-2002 NBA dataset and evaluated its performance using cross-validation techniques.
After training the model, I used it to make predictions for the 2002-2003 NBA season. I evaluated the accuracy of my model using various metrics such as mean squared error and coefficient of determination. The results were promising, with my model accurately predicting the outcome of a significant number of games.
This project demonstrated the potential of machine learning techniques for predicting the outcome of sporting events. While my model was trained on a single season's data, it could be improved and expanded to include data from multiple seasons, resulting in more accurate predictions. As a sports enthusiast and data analyst, I look forward to further exploring the potential of machine learning techniques in the field of sports analytics.


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