Smashe: A Full-Stack Election Voting Platform with Real-Time Use

Unnikrishnan R

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
Smashe is an interactive, full-stack web platform built with Next.js and Firebase, designed to host and manage online voting elections. The project integrates Firebase as both the database and authentication provider, enabling secure, real-time data management and user access. Users can easily log in through Twitter OAuth, making sign-ups seamless and enhancing engagement.
Once logged in, users can participate in elections by casting votes. The platform's primary functionality includes an admin dashboard, where admins have complete control over election setup and user management. Admins can create new elections, manage ongoing ones, view user activities, and analyze voting trends, all from a centralized interface.
Smashe is responsive, highly interactive, and optimized for smooth performance, providing users with an engaging voting experience. With a modern UI and a robust backend powered by Firebase, this project showcases efficient and secure web development practices in creating scalable voting platforms with real-time interactivity.
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