AI + Weather (Computer Vision)

Sagar Garg


Data Scientist

ML Engineer

Software Engineer

WeatherBench Probability was my masters thesis work, built on extending the existing WeatherBench project by European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). I extended the project from deterministic to probabilistic approaches. The objective is to find weather predictions 3,5 days ahead. Since Weather is a chaotic phenomena, we proposed 3 ensemble methods to take care of the inherent uncertainty in predictions. Paper published. Poster at EGU Conference/ One-Slider.
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Posted Jun 2, 2023

WeatherBench Probability was my masters thesis work, built on extending the WeatherBench project by European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting.






Data Scientist

ML Engineer

Software Engineer

Sagar Garg

Data Scientist & ML Researcher for Hire

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