Graphic Design | Diversity Art Festival

Amaya Guevara


Graphic Designer

Photo Editor

Adobe Photoshop

The Diversity Art Festival

As a graphic designer for the Graphic Design/Social Media team at the NYU Diversity Art Festival, I redesigned the quotes we created as promotional content for the festival. I used Photoshop to create the following templates for the team.
Lauren Bacall Template 1
Lauren Bacall Template 1
I worked with the team to select the best graphic template for the quote. Then I edited a series of quotes that were pre-approved by the rest of the team. These was a collaboration between my co-worker who researched the quotes and me, which edited it.
Finalized Quotes released by the Diversity Art Festival
Finalized Quotes released by the Diversity Art Festival
Hayley Kiyoko Quote (2019)
Hayley Kiyoko Quote (2019)
Rupi Kaur Quote (2019)
Rupi Kaur Quote (2019)
I also was in charge of creating the Spring 2019 promotional poster for the festival.
Spring 2019 - Diversity Art Festival's Marketing Posters
Spring 2019 - Diversity Art Festival's Marketing Posters
I also worked in other additional projects, that included the Diversity Art Festival 2020 Guest Speaker Promotional Poster and the Submissions poster.
Spring 2020 - Diversity Art Festival's Guest Speaker's Poster
Spring 2020 - Diversity Art Festival's Guest Speaker's Poster
For the Spring 2020 festival, we decided to go with some spring colors that stood out. Choosing this pink palette allowed us to catch people's attention across campus since it was a nice eye-catching color that didn't overwhelmed the eyesight.
Spring 2020 - Diversity Art Festival's Event Schedule
Spring 2020 - Diversity Art Festival's Event Schedule
To check out more of my graphics, head over to my website !
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Posted Feb 14, 2022

Amaya worked as a graphic designer for the NYU student-run event, the Diversity Art Festival from 2018-2020






Graphic Designer

Photo Editor

Adobe Photoshop

Photography | Amaya's Photographs
Photography | Amaya's Photographs
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