This is the web based application for task management. It is developed using the technologies like HTML, CSS, JS and BootStrap in frontend and python(django Framework) in backend as well as sqlite database(default) as a database. This may be suitable for the college project.
The Web app has the following features.
A new User can Create the Account.
A existing User can login using the credentials.
A logged user can add and remove the task.
A logged user can modify the existing task.
You System must have the following things to use this project.
Installation of python and pip
Python is available for every platform. Download it according to you os. You can download it from Here.
Follow the mentioned procedure to run this project in your local system.
Clone or Download the Repository
git clone
cd TaskManager
Create the Virtual Environment Before installing the requirements.
python3 -m virtualenv venv #For Linux User
python -m virtualenv venv #For Windows and Mac User
Activate the Virtual Environment
source venv/bin/activate #For Linux and Windows User
venv/Scripts/activate #For Windows User
Note: It is not Necessary to Create Virtual Environment but recommanded.
Install the Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Server
python3 runserver #FOr Linux User
python runserver # For Windows User
Open the url in Browser
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Code of Conduct
Please review our Code of Conduct before participating in this project.