Linkedin Automation for Job Application

Author Sanjay Kumar Goswami


Automation Engineer

LinkedIn Bot

A brief description of what this project does and who it's for.



Add badges from somewhere like:


Clone The Repo

git clone

Get into folder

cd linkedinbot

Create The config.txt file and paste the login post

<linkedIn Details> //dont write this in file yourpassword

Then run the code using python



##Not Working
###Install the Chrome Driver First...

Is it safe? ❓❓❓❓

Definately the login and password will stored only on your local pc so no worries

There are sum errors coming ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Make sure that you have pip installed on your pc and then you should install the module by using the following command:
pip install selenium

LinkedIn in giving a login security human verification and the code is not working. 😞😞😞😞

I have used
for this purpose only. Basically after loging when the verify human page comes, verify it manually and after that leave it.😊😊

Unable to locate Error is coming

Please Raise an issue on this repo and i will fix it for you. also mention the exact location of error.

Captcha verification in job sites❓❓❓❓

This is have made pretty simple. after the submit button is clicked on login details, then i have added 45 sec sleep time. In this time you have to manually verify the captcha and THEN MANUALLY CLICK SUBMIT. (clicking on submit is not added in the bot after captcha so do it manually. Please

Hi, I'm Sanjay! 👋

🚀 About Me

I'm a full stack developer by profession and writer by passion...

Other Common Github Profile Sections

👩‍💻 I'm currently working on Nodejs, React Js, NextJs, React Native, Automation...
🧠 I'm currently learning Blockchain And Web3...
👯‍♀️ I'm looking to collaborate on Blockchain Projects...
🤔 I'm looking for help with Metaverse...
⚡️ Fun fact I am an Author and a national award song writer

🔗 Links


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at
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Posted Jan 23, 2024

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