Health-ERP App for Health Tech Company

Thiago Santana

Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer
Flutter Developer
AWS Lambda
I am currently leading the development of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System for Graatu, an innovative HealthTech startup in Brazil. My contributions to this project are multifaceted, including the delivery of a financially viable and sustainable Cloud Operations solution on the AWS platform, as well as a meticulously architected and implemented backend. Furthermore, I am developing a robust, multi-platform application that is compatible with both mobile and desktop devices, utilizing the latest web technologies. Graatu anticipates that upon completion in the third quarter of 2024, this product will translate into a significant 20% cost savings for its customers, thereby enhancing their value proposition in the HealthTech sector.
The languages include:
JavaScript (frontend and backend)
Dart (frontend)
Java (backend)
Python (backend)
The frameworks included are:
Express (JavaScript)
Flutter (Dart)
Spring (Java)
Flash express (Python)
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