How To: Send Bonuses To Freelancers

Samantha Taylor

December 12, 2022

· 2 min read

If you’ve ever loved the work a freelancer produces SO much that you’d be willing to give them extra cash 💸  then you are in luck! In today’s article, we are teaching you about our feature “Bonuses” on Contra 👇

Bonuses on Contra 🤑

Simple enough: “bonuses” allow Clients to highlight and reward exceptional work done by Independents on Contra. Bonuses allows Clients to show extra appreciation, build upon existing relationships, and secure future work with Independents!

Note: Bonuses aren’t required, but are always appreciated!

How to Leave a Bonus 🧠

The process is simple:

  • The paid project deliverables will be submitted by the Independent

  • Client will approve deliverables and release the project payment

  • Client will be prompted to leave a recommendation and a bonus

  • Client can click “Bonus”

  • Add in $ amount

  • Choose “Send Bonus”

  • Independent will receive Bonus notification

Why Add a Bonus? 💭

Clients, take note! Tipping the freelancers you work with on Contra can go a long way 🛣 when it comes to building long-lasting relationships!

  • Showing extra appreciation. For freelancers, it feels good to know your Client cares and loves the work you do. Oftentimes, this small gesture will make a lasting impact on how freelancers are motivated to do more work with you!

  • Building your Client reputation. Freelancers are well-connected, which means they often refer other freelancers to their favorite past clients (especially if their schedules are full). In these cases, freelancers give the inside scoop to their friends and community — that includes the mention of receiving a quality tip!

  • Future work together. It is human nature to be motivated by kind words and actions of appreciation. Giving a bonus helps build a stronger bond between the Client and Independent and can lead to more work together in the future!

Quick Facts on Bonuses ⚡️

Here a few quick-facts 👇

  • Bonuses are optional for the Client (you can click “Skip” if you are not interested in sending a tip!)

  • Contra does not take a commission-fee from Bonuses

  • Bonuses go straight to the Independents wallet on Contra

  • Bonus payments are subject to payment processing fees through our third-party payments provider

Ready to kickstart a contract on Contra? Learn how here + get started today! If you have questions, be sure to email us at

Samantha Taylor

Social Strategist

Hi, I'm Sam -- community builder 👋 My skills in community management, social media marketing, copywriting and influencer management can be the game-changer for your brand. Let's connect!

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